The Ymir Community Watershed Society
In April 2017, Ymir residents were informed that the Quartz Creek watershed was being put up for bid for road building and logging. A small group of concerned people formed the Ymir Watershed Action Team (YWAT). They worked to research the situation and inform the community.
YWAT was successful in bringing attention to the precarious situation Ymir faces with the potential industrialization of the watershed.
The first meeting of the YCWS in Oct 2018
In the fall of 2018, YWAT became the Ymir Community Watershed Society (YCWS), a registered non-profit. The Society serves as a voice for the Ymir community to ensure protection of the Quartz Creek watershed as the potable water source for Ymir.
The YCWS is a community-based, pro-water organization inclusive of people who share our vision of potable water security for Ymir.
We are committed to non-violence and peaceful process, and creating a sustainable future for our community. We work on a team model, providing all people supportive of our Vision a way to work towards our goals.
It is important to the YCWS that all communities in BC have access to and be able to protect their own potable water sources.